Usefulness of Leakage Test in Mitral Valve Repair
Mitral valve repair is the preferred surgical treatment for
mitral regurgitation.
Nowadays minimally invasive technique through right minithoracotomy is
routinely performed for treating this pathology for complex repair too.
Cardiac surgeons must increasingly pursue high-quality mitral valve repair,
which ensures excellent long-term outcomes.
Intraoperative assessment of a competency of the repaired mitral valve before
closure of the atrium is an important step in accomplishing successful mitral
valve repair.
Saline test is the most simple and popular method to evaluate the repaired
valve. But this kind of test in an arrested heart may not accurately reflect
its function in a contractile heart and it is not always reliable because of
variable physiological factors that could influence its safety.
Perfusion techniques during beating heart surgery by antegrade coronary artery
perfusion without aortic cross-clamping, and retrograde coronary artery
perfusion via the coronary sinus with aortic cross-clamping have been advocated
as alternative methods of mitral valve assessment after repair.
The mitral valve is not a “static” valve because all its components are
involved in its competence: the annulus, the leaflets, chordal apparatus and
papillary muscles. During systole the left ventricular apex moves towards the
mitral plane and papillary muscles contract and the cordae stretched. At the
same time the mitral annulus reduces its surface of about 20-30% enhancing
mitral competence. At the same time the evaluation of a residual insufficiency
could be compromised by the anterior leaflet traction due to atrial retractor.
The natural consequence of this considerations is that a leakage test in an
arrested heart in dyastole could not be considered a competence proof as in
normal contractile conditions.
In this video we have collected some particular cases in which there was a
discrepancy between a good or not satisfactory at all leakage tests after
mitral valve repair and the echocardiographic findings.
The cases presented in this video represent only a small cohort of patients in
which a leakage test resulted detrimental for competency proof.
1. Chemtob RA, Wierup P, Mick SL, et al. Intraoperative
Assessment of Mitral Valve Repair: Validation of the Saline Test With
Nonresectional Repair Techniques.
J Card Surg. 2019 Oct;34(10):965-968. doi: 10.1111/jocs.14167. Epub 2019 Jul
2. Yanase Y, Sato H, Yamada H, et al. Intraoperative Evaluation for Residual
Mitral Valve Regurgitation; Usefulness of the Retrograde Cardioprotective
Beating Test. Kyobu Geka. 2014 Sep;67(10):888-90.