Early Use of 4K Surgical System to Perform Minimally Invasive Right Apical Segmentectomy
The IMAGE1 S™ 4K RUBINA™ system combines 4K imaging technology with NIR/ICG fluorescence imaging. This can be superimposed on the white light image (overlay mode), providing the user with valuable information. The system also allows for the marking of the segmental parenchymal division during surgery without loss of surrounding definition.
The patient featured in this video is a seventy-two-year-old female with a right upper lobe biopsy-proven T1a N0 M0 NSCLC adenocarcinoma. The patient had a history of epilepsy, TIAs, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, COPD, and hyperthyroidism. She had a patient performance status of 1, limited exercise tolerance, a BMI of 28, and was an ex-smoker (twenty cigarettes per day for fifty years).
The patient’s pulmonary function test yielded the following results: FEV1 68% of predicted ratio 65%, TLCO 43%, KCO 56%, post-predicted FEV1 57%, and TLCO of 36%. During a shuttle walk test, she accomplished a distance of 290m with desaturation from 95% to 92%.