Surgery for Membranous Tracheomalacia: Tracheobronchoplasty
The objective of surgery was to stabilize and add rigidity to the
membranous wall of the trachea in order to prevent intrusion of the
membranous wall into the lumen of the airway.
surgery was performed through a right fourth intercostal space
thoracotomy. The posterior airway was fully exposed from the thoracic
inlet to the main bronchi after the azygos vein was transected. The
posterior wall of the trachea and both main bronchi were anchored to a
high-density polypropylene mesh (Marlex mesh; Marlex, C.R. Bard, Inc.,
Covington, GA, USA) with a series of four mattress sutures of 4-0
polydioxanone II, placed in a partial thickness fashion.
patient was discharged on the 10th postoperative day without
complications. One year after the operation, the patient presented with
significant symptomatic relief and improvement of her quality of life.
Surveillance bronchoscopies showed a stable membranous wall with no
intrusion into the lumen of the airway.
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