Version 2 2020-09-17, 21:19Version 2 2020-09-17, 21:19
Version 1 2020-09-17, 21:07Version 1 2020-09-17, 21:07
posted on 2020-09-17, 21:19authored byIgnazio Condello, Giuseppe Santarpino, Marco Moscarelli, Giuseppe Nass, Giuseppe Speziale
The major advantage of MiECC systems’ intrinsic characteristics is that they abet the best applying cardiovascular physiology to intraoperative perfusion, while they ultimately unify all three operative disciplinary techniques into a common strategy. This joined holistic effect of MiECC may be considered as a therapy in cardiovascular diseases. Many believe that using MiECC systems leads to an increase in the costs of cardiac surgery. This video explains in a simplified way how to transform a conventional circuit into minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation. Paradoxically, the video shows that fewer components are used than a conventional system.
Anastasiadis K, Argiriadou H, Deliopoulos A, Antonitsis P. Minimal invasive extracorporeal circulation (MiECC): the state-of-the-art in perfusion. J Thorac Dis. 2019;11(Suppl 10):S1507‐S1514.
Jenni H, Heinisch PP, Eberle B, Gisler F, Kadner A, Carrel T. From minimal invasive extracorporeal circulation type I to type III: the perfusionist's view. J Thorac Dis. 2019;11(Suppl 10):S1515‐S1518.