Ancona Virtual Live Course Presented by CTSNet: Minimally Invasive and Transcatheter Cardiac Surgery From Theory to Practice
Due to COVID-19, the ‘Minimally Invasive and Transcatheter Cardiac Surgery’ course, originally scheduled to be held in person in Ancona, Italy, was converted into the new Ancona Live Virtual Course and presented in collaboration with CTSNet on June 8 and 9, 2020. With more than 8,000 registrants, the new virtual live course was attended by representatives from 89 countries around the world. The recording of each session is now available.
A prestigious faculty of international opinion leaders and experts explained their prevailing vision of cardiac surgery and share their minimally invasive and transcatheter approaches for the treatment of aortic and mitral valve diseases. CTSNet is excited to announce that the next meeting of Minimally Invasive and Trans-catheter Cardiac Surgery - From Theory to Practice, will be held in Ancona, Italy, on June 21-22, 2021. Next year’s event will have two hybrid sessions, in-person and again broadcasted by CTSNet in a virtual format.